Monday, July 29, 2013

Fishing on Lake Copiah

Monday, April 1st, we found ourselves enjoying the mist and fog on beautiful Lake Copiah.

It was truly something that we had never before experienced.  Our kids explored and searched for spider webs, old sticks and threw rocks in the lake.  It was our own "On Golden Pond" experience.  Dave and I even sat on the front porch and watched the entire adventure.  It couldn't have been more relaxing.  After a breakfast of donuts, cereal and milk, we connected with Uncle Larry and Aunt Linda and traveled to the Old Crystal Springs Cemetary to pay our respects to Grandpa Hubert, Grandma Mary and many others who had passed on.  It was a special time to watch our children clean up the graves and learn about their family history.

It is always interesting to learn about your family and all the good that they do for the world.  After the cemetary and catching a few green lizards, it was off to The Red Barn to buy crickets (for fishing) and also some crawfish.  We also stopped to see Dave's childhood home which is now trashed and visit the Webbs (dear friends from long ago).  Dave remembered running into the light pole that you can see in front of his house.

Lastly, we went back to Copiah Lake armed with live crickets and fishing poles (thanks to Aunt Linda and Uncle Larry).  We spent the rest of the afternoon eating crawfish while sitting in the dirt, fishing and talking to each other.  Our kids didn't want to quit.  In fact, Uncle Larry was a great sport as just as he sat down to enjoy some crawfish, one of our kids asked for help with their fishing pole.  We caught several fish and watched as Callie, Jacob and Colton played with them in the bucket as if they were going to be pets.  It was definitely something we had never done before.

We ended our day with a trip to Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Gwen's house for spaghetti dinner.  We also tried chicken hearts for the first time and delicious butter beans.  We even videoed the wrong house trying to capture Grandpa Hubert's trailer, but then finally found the right one.  Our Callie made friends with Alleigh (Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Gwen's granddaughter) who could have been twins in the life before this one.  We enjoyed some special memories together and got to see pictures of the cruise that some of the Gallman siblings took together.  We'll never forget this time and we were so grateful that we took this amazing trip.  In fact, sometimes we want a trip to end, but in this case we truly wanted it to last forever.

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