Monday, July 29, 2013

Gallman Family Trip to the South

Our family began an adventure to visit the southern part of the United States.  Many of our children had never been on an airplane.  After the most difficult part was complete (packing), we traveled to Salt Lake International Airport.  The exciting part was that we were to leave at BEDTIME and land later than midnight.  The flight was great and then the real adventure began.  We rented a suburban from a rental car company and determined that we needed GPS to navigate our lengthy journey.  Unfortunately at 1:00 am, our travels in Dallas became difficult.  Dallas was under construction and the GPS thought we should travel one way, but detours made it almost impossible to find our way.  Let's just say, "recalculating" became forever embedded in our mind and ears.  Thank goodness for Uncle Bobby and his help via cell phone, we arrived at 1:30 am at Uncle Bobby and Aunt Laura's house.  Though we were tired, it was so nice to be welcomed with open arms.  We immediately loved their southern ways and their pronunciation of "Coton" aka Colton.  It seems that the letter "l" was dropped to sound so different and charming.  We enjoyed a wonderful night's rest in the softest beds EVER.  

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