Monday, July 29, 2013

Adventure through Lousiana

On Saturday, March 30, we left the Battleship Texas and began a long journey towards Mississippi.  Unfortunately, we discovered that we had misplaced a bottle of insulin.  Due to the holiday weekend with Easter fast approaching, we sensed the urgency to find a pharmacy somewhere in Louisiana.  Because we were very unfamiliar with the area and relying solely on GPS and faith, we were very unprepared for the effort it would take to find the critical medicine.  We traveled towards Lafayette, LA and stopped at various Walgreens for directions.  The locals really didn't know their city as well as we would have hoped so after several directions to Walgreens and Rite Aid, the hours were passing quickly by.  It was now 10:00 pm and kids were starving and Colton's blood sugar was rising rapidly without the much needed insulin.  Finally we found a local pharmacy and they helped us to get the insulin which cost us $300.  Yes, the insurance wouldn't pay for it because we had recently filled within their window of time.  To add to our adventure, we determined to find a place to eat.  We stopped at a local chinese place and they acted as if we were ghosts.  We then found a fast food restaurant called Raisin' Cane's Chicken.  Although the sauce was spicy, the chicken and fries were delicious.  I think at this point in our journey, we could have eaten cardboard and been satisfied.

After filling up with gas and food, we continued to travel towards Mississippi on Highway 55.  We knew with the dark of night, fear of the swamps, car trouble, alligators or whatever our imagination might drum up, that we had to drive north quickly.  We were also so tired from the normal travels of this particular day.  We drove quickly north and drove into the small town of Crystal Springs, Mississippi.  Arriving at 3:00 am, waking relatives to pick up a key to the small cabin where we were staying.  We so thankful to Aunt Linda and Uncle Larry in allowing us to wake them to greet us and help us find our way.  We felt into beds exhausted but grateful for the safety and protection on this adventurous journey.

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